Sugihara obeys his authorities and does not issue visas.
Japan has made it clear that visas cannot be issued. Those people applying
for visas, even if they would be able to get to Japan - there are thousands
of them, how to accommodate so many people, how to feed them? Besides, the
new Soviet government made it absolutely clear that the consulate should be
closed in August and the staff should leave the country. It’s the end of July,
a couple of weeks left before the consulate is closed. Embassies of other countries
have been closed long ago, their diplomats have left. Time to pack up and think
about future. Chiune is responsible not only for himself but also for three
young children, one of them just a baby, he is responsible for his wife and
his wife’s sister. How will he feed such a large family if he loses his job?
And so Sugihara stops looking out the window, forbids his family and staff
to go outside, tries not to think about those men praying for mercy by the
gate, their hungry children and mothers barely standing on their feet in grief.
He tries not to hear what’s going on outside, so he plays the “Maiden’s Prayer”
as loud as possible.